The Facts of the Jellyfish's sting and the treatment

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Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Be Careful with Fraud Using the Name of UMM

Recently, the name of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is often to be used by irresponsible people to commit fraud. Their modus is admitting as "insider", even there are some of them who admit as the rector and asking amount of money. The victims are the parents who want to register their children in Medical Faculty and the teachers who want to manage certification.
                “This is the risk of UMM that is famous, its influence is used by the irresponsible people. We hope that the community is more cautious toward this kind of fraud," Vice Rector II, Fauzan, appealed. 
                Furthermore, Fauzan stated that UMM applies a very clear mechanism. For new student registration process and other processes, there is no "back door". If there are people who are called by phone or visited to be asked amounf of money by someone that admits as UMM people, both directly and by transfer, are asked to do cross check to the campus. "Please call us to get explanation," Fauzan said.
However, the community who has accomplished official procedure and through the proper process are appealed not to be worry. "If the way is honest, insya Allah it will be blessing," Fauzan added.
As it is known, some time ago, UMM was successful to reveal fraudulent practice in UMM entrance test. A number of students who were indicated to use turor service were removed from test place after being processed. UMM involves the police to reveal this tutor practice. "We want the students who enrol UMM to be clean and honest, not the people who look for shortcut," Fauzan stated again.
The last, yesterday, two teachers admitted having transferred amount of money to someone who called them. That person admitted as a representative from Dirjen Dikti and the rector of UMM to manage teacher certification. After being checked to the campus and met directly the rector, it had been just recognized that they were being deceived.
Previously, the police was also successful to catch three deceivers who admitted as UMM insider that could enrol student candidate in FK, whereas that faculty had been full. Because of the report of victim to the police and collaboration with UMM, three perpretrators had been sucessfully caught with their crime evidence.
Today, more than 3000 new student candidates join the IIIrd cohort entrance test. It is estimated that there are still the people who get offer from the deceiver to enroll through the back door. "Thank you to the people who have reported to us these findings, hopefully all of us can be more cautious," the Vice Rector II ended. (mal/nas/t_tys)

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